Did you know that plastic waste can cause lung cancer? Did you know of its adverse effects to the environment? Did you know that a solution does exist which can curtail plastic pollution in our communities? Well, if you didn’t, we at Ungweru Organisation and the Catholic Development Commision (CADECOM) in partnership with the Ministry of Health intend to make you aware. And guess what? during the weekend, on the 7th of September, we drove through the townships of Zolozolo and Chiputula, sending messages of the dangers of plastic pollution and the solution which can curtail the pollution.
So what is this solution which we claim can curtail plastic pollution? Well, we have an innovation which will give plastic waste a useful purpose to the community. We are converting plastic waste into building blocks! Indeed, we currently have a machine which mixes sand and cement with the plastic waste hence producing a cement brick which is more durable and water resistant.
Once we told community members of such an innovation which have introduced, they couldn’t withhold their excitement, in fact, they marveled. According to community members in Zolozolo and Chiputula, the plastic waste needed such a solution as it was putting them at risk of diseases.
“The solution has come at the right time. Plastic waste is everywhere in Zolozolo and this is dangerous as the plastic waste can contaminate our water and thus lead to various diseases. From now on, we won’t dispose plastics everywhere in the community again. All the plastics which require disposal shall be taken to the site of the plastic shredding machine”, said Justina Mtonga who resides in Zolozolo.

In light of our innovation, Ernest Nkhata, who is the health Chairperson for Zolozolo East-Ward was optimistic that the problem of plastic waste could come to an end
“If each and everyone can be taking the plastics to the site of the plastic shredding machine after using the plastics, we at the health department are optimistic that the problem of plastic waste can come to an end.

The Executive Director of Ungweru Organization, Samuel Phiri, encouraged community members to take the plastic waste to the plastic shredding machine, adding that they shall given something as a token of appreciation.

Ungweru Organisation together with the Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM), is implementing the project termed “Effective management of plastic waste into usable form for climate advocacy and collaboration in Mzuzu” with funding from Misean Cara.