Our projects 

Our Approach

Ungweru organisation realises that community transformation is solely in the hands of the community members themselves. For this reason the organisation uses a Bottom up approach where they facilitate the community to identify the problem in their communities and plan together with Ungweruu to bring  the desired change. Tne desired change include change of mindset and behaviour to reduce harmful practices that impedes community growth, provision of facilities and start-up resources to enable them become productive and other empowerment programs. 

 Current Projects and Programs

Misean Cara Project

The project aims at empowering communities to grow high value crops for sustainable income, food and nutrition security

Ungweru SELL Program

Sharing Education and Learning for Life (SELL) program started in Malawi in 2021. The program is being introduced by Fr Leo Traynor and Fr Tommy Hayden.

CIFA Project-Doroba

The project is a followup to the 2015 scottish project which promotes production through irrigation

Lusekelo School-Computer classes

The project aims at empowering young people with skills in computing to enable them improve their continuous education, employability and business development 

Lusekelo School-Tailoring and design

The project empowers young people with tailoring skills which enables them to be employed or start their own businesses 

Misean Cara Project

The project aims at empowering communities to grow high value crops for sustainable income, food and nutrition security