Livelihoods Unit

Supporting communities through interventions in Water and sanitation, Agriculture and Food Security, Human Rights and Environmental Management

Youth Development Unit

Young people are learning human development skills through the Sharing Education and Learning for life (SELL) Program

Income Generation Activities

Support Income generation activities at Ungweru Organisation aimed at raising funds to support the rural communities. Ungweru Hall, Guest House, Green Houses, Shop and many other activities

Skills Acquisition Unit

Get to know information about TEVETA accredited  Lusekelo school which offers courses in ICT Enduser and Tailowing


Why Partner with Ungweru?

Strong Community Links

Ungweru has established strong links in the communities for over 17 years. Well known name in rural communities especially in northern Malawi

Experienced Project Team Members

Ungweru team consists of experienced members i project design and implementation

Reputable Project Delivery

Ungweru has the ability to implement big projects funded by reputable donors such as Oxfam, Irish Aid and many others


Registered Legal Identity

The organisation is registered under the Trustees Icorporation act and in good standing with both CONGOMA and NGORA.

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