Ungweru organisation on 10th June 2023 held a joing board meeting at the seretariat in Luwinga. aThis is the firsdt time since 2016. the board meeting was attended by the board of Directors and also the board of trustees.

speaking to staff before the board meeting, the representative of the board of trustees Dr Mathews Mtumbuka said the boards have plans to grow the organisation from the northern region to all regions in Malawi and called on staff to work hard to realise this dream.

“The board has all the staff at heart and is confident that Ungweru will grow to a giant CSO that will touch the hearts of many communities in Malawi”

Ungweru’s Executive Director Samuel Phiri said team members at Ungweru are grateful for the support provided by the board and that the organisation will continue to work hard to implement the strategic vision of the organisation